Healthy: Baked Beetroot with Apple-Horseradish Dip

Baked Beetroot (02) by MeetaK

Today was a crazy day. Besides the fact that it feels like a hurricane is blowing over Weimar, I had a lot of errands to run. On one of my errands I needed to pick up a few documents. As I know what German bureaucracy is like, I had called the person who was to issue me my documents prior to going to the office. I was told it would be no problem at all as there was a very competent lady at the reception who would help me. OK!

NOT! This competent help happened to be the cliché of clichés. Barbie would have been envious of her platinum hair, her lipstick was certainly bought back in the 80s when neon pick was totally hot, and her nails were perfectly manicured with square gel tips colored in purple and a glitter stone in each nail. Just looking at her I knew I was going to hit against a wall. The only thing that was missing was the gum! Thank god for that!

Well as I approached she looked at me from head to toe. I had a meeting to attend and was dressed in a elegant skirt and top with a nice tweed coat. Next to her I looked drab! LOL! There could not have been two contrasts staring at each other. Well I told her my name and that I just needed to pick up a few documents. Then she moved - ever - so - slowl -y! Was she scared that any fast movement would blow her hair out of proportion? She turned - to - the - comp-puter and began to type - with the famous two finger technique. Her nails however, did not like this treatment and one kind of chipped off.

Horror of horrors! She decided to pay attention to her nails. I looked at her unbelievably and she shrugged! So what was I going to be bumped off for a gel fake nail on a fake blond? No! I politely brought her attention to me again and once - ag-ain- she - moved to-wards - the - computer, typed my name and looked at me again. Then she shook her head and told me to take a seat.

What does that mean? I just need to pick up two pieces of A4 papers - you do know what A4 is right?

What was my name again?

Are you for real?

Well I was glad I had the telephone number of the person I talked to before I came and called him from my mobile. Miss Fake Nails looked kind of alarmed and began scuttling around, trying to look busy. Finally, the person who came down found my papers, lying under her InStyle, she gave me a dirty look and I smiled, picked up the chipped nail from off the floor and gave it to her, walking out of the office.

That was 45 minutes down the drain - 45 minutes for a 15 minute job. Still - it was a priceless experience. Before I get attacking mails from all the Barbie look-a-likes, please allow me to say this: I do not care how one dresses or looks like. It does not bother me if someone's sense of style is très chic or très drab. What does bother me is when that someone takes my time for granted and what peeves me off is when someone cannot even see past their fingernails to do a simple job like hand me a few papers.

There! Phew! That was good - I needed to vent.

Now where I do not mind spending time is in the kitchen. We all know that by now, right? I find that in comparison to the lovely lady from above, the beetroot is the exact opposite. On the outside it looks rough and rather knobbly, but inside holds a wonderful crimson shade - an inner beauty. It's a modest looking veggie with no airs about it. Not an easy vegetable to fall in love with but you are either a beetroot fan or not.


Beetroot (03) by MeetaK

I often think beetroot is under-rated. There is so much more to beetroot than the sliced, pickled variety you can get in supermarkets. If you give the fresh variety a try I am sure you will be converted!

The flavor is delicate and they're easy to cook and grow. For most of us in the western part of the world, beetroot went out of fashion a long time ago. It is a messy vegetable to deal with. The juices can stain clothes and hands, it often arrives covered in soil, needs a lot of cleaning and of course people don't know how long it needs to cook. On the other hand its health benefits are legendary.

Health Benefits

Beetroot is in season from around May to October, although many think of it as a winter vegetable, because it's a root crop. Both the root and the leaves can be eaten, however, only a few of us have probably tried the leaves. The beetroot belongs to the same family as spinach and chard, the difference being that with beetroot both the leaves and root can be eaten.

You can eat the root raw or cooked. Baby beetroot are delicious grated raw, in salads. Raw beetroot contains a large amount of vitamin C. However, this reduces with cooking. 

Beet greens, which can be used in salads and stir frys, are higher in nutritional value than the roots as they are a richer source of calcium, iron and vitamins A & C. The roots are a very good source of folic acid, fibre, manganese and potassium, whereas both the greens and roots are rich in magnesium, phosphorous, iron and vitamin B6.

The pigments on the beetroot come from compounds known as betalains, which are thought to have powerful and diverse antioxidant effects, including preventing the oxidisation of LDL cholesterol.

Beetroot also has stimulating effects on the liver's detoxification processes. The betacyanin content gives beetroot its rich purple - crimson color and is a potent cancer - fighting agent. Beetroot's fibre promotes both healthy cholesterol levels and bowel function.

Selecting & Storing

Look for fresh beetroot that is unblemished, with firm roots. Damaged beetroot are still edible, but won't store well. As beetroot ages, the roots start to shrivel and eventually go moldy. Small to medium-sized roots have the sweetest flavor, whereas the larger roots may have a woody center.

You can store beetroot in the fridge or on a cool, dark shelf. It will normally keep for a few weeks when it's young and fresh. It depends how long it has already been stored before you get it.


Usually when you buy fresh beetroot it will still have the leaves and stalks attached. To cook the beetroot simply cut off the stalks but make sure you leave some of the stalk in tact. By doing this it will help to stop the beetroot from losing it's color when you cook it and helps to hold in the nutrients.

Printable version of recipe here.

Baked Beetroot (01) by MeetaK


1 kg small beetroot, washed and quartered
1 tablespoon butter - melted
Coarse sea salt
1 bunch chives, chopped
200g apples, grated
2 teaspoons horseradish
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
400g quark - use sour cream as a substitute
100g cream
1 teaspoon honey
Salt and pepper


Baked Beetroot (04) by MeetaK

Pre-heat the oven to 200 degrees C. Pour the lemon juice over the grated apple juice to keep from turning brown.

Mix the butter and salt together and brush the beetroot quarters with it. Place the beetroot on a baking tray and bake for approx. 1 hour or until they are soft.

In the meantime, prepare the dip by mixing together quark, cream, horseradish and honey in a small bowl. Add the grated apple and chives, salt and pepper to taste. Cool.

Once the beetroot is ready gently peel off the skin and serve, sprinkled with sea salt and the apple-horseradish dip.

Helpful tips:

  • Use thin rubber gloves when working with the beetroot as these will protect your hands from taking on a funny color.
  • If you are not a beetroot fan substitute with rutabaga. The rutabaga however will take about 30 minutes in the oven. 
  • Serve the beetroot sliced and allow to bake more crispy. This makes great chips-like snacks.


Baked Beetroot (03) by MeetaK

This is a fantastic snack kind of dish. I love serving this for my brunch parties as it's a wonderful variation to potatoes. I love the sweet flavors of the beetroot combined with the slightly sharp aroma of the dip. The first time I served this a few of my guests did not even suspect it was beetroot. When they asked me what they were eating - they really looked surprised at the fact that a vegetable they had disliked all their lives tasted so good.

That is the thing with beetroot many of us have some terrible memories of slimy, overcooked beetroot dish they ate when they were younger. I am enjoying experimenting and trying out new recipes with it. Even Tom is always a little skeptical when I serve beetroot, however I love the fact he is open about food. As is Soeren, who absolutely loves this. This is his "movie-time" snack, which he gobbles up within minutes.  

You might enjoy these brunch & snack ideas too:

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My brunch idea goes to the lovely Mansi of Food and Fun for her addition of Weekend Breakfast Blogging. This month's theme is Balanced Breakfast.

All photographs and written content on What's For Lunch, Honey? © 2006-2008 Meeta Khurana unless otherwise indicated. | All rights reserved | Please Ask First

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  1. The baked beetroot looks yummy Meeta, and I like the idea of making baked fries with them. I have always had beetroot cooked the Indian way as a saute with tadka, or in a dal. I guess this weekend I must have a movie night so I can try your beet fries and Suganya's sweet potato fries :)

  2. Oh I look roasted beets, they have such a wonderful flavour. It's probably the only way I can eat beets! Wonderful photograph, as always! :)

    - Meena (

  3. I'm a fellow beet lover too! Thanks for the great idea!

  4. Never had roasted beetroot.
    The colour is so beautiful.
    I had a huge smile when i read that you picked picked up the chipped nail from the floor and gave it to the barvie girl :-)

  5. 45 minutes!! Dear me.

    I love beetroot too, and these look so good, your glass is very very pretty too =)

  6. Oh, Meeta, you know how much I love beetroot :) But I never get to look mine as glamorous as you do!?

  7. Nothing could be more elegant than that second photo of the beet root. Barbies would wilt next to it and all their nail drop right off.
    I do love beets, didn't use to think I did but now I know I do. Didn't know how good they were for my liver though.

  8. I know all about beetroot, and just skipped over your details b'coz I could not get my eyes off your beautiful pink glass filled with horseradish dip!!! OMG Meeta, even your utensils are so pretty!!:)D

    thanks so much for taking time to send this for WBB gal! I owe you one(wink:))

  9. Just reading your barbie-bureaucracy story I couldn't help but wonder if there are not the same people and set no matter the country ( :)=bitter-sweet smile)
    Love the dip! I often make a salad with the apple-horseradish combo so I know that's a great flavour mix.

  10. Meeta, your dishes constantly amaze me. They always look like the star of the show, yet they are always so simple and nutritious. I love coming here!

  11. Well, I can't have the horseradish dip but my dad would love it...I am sending the recipe to my mom.
    The beets however, I am all over.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Lovely pictures and very informative post!

    At this stage I'm quite puzzled with the beetroot. I grew up watching my parents eat beetroot from salad bars, seeing how it stained all the food around it and leaving splatters of its pink blood on the plate. *shivers* I tried it boiled, which was sort of okay, but I haven't been bothered to make it. Once on a health streak I put it through the vegetable juicer and drank it with some spinach. At first refreshing, then it became just downright offensive and revolting.

    Your post has inspired me to try it out one last time as I love all things baked/roasted. Thanks!

  14. I am not too much of a beet fan, but this preparation sounds so different and interesting.

    I loved the tale of Fake Nail Girl because I can so relate here. I often think I am the only one facing these ridiculous wastes of time. I feel like I am not alone. Thank you. And I so know what A4 is.

  15. I like roasted beetroot,not only for the taste, but the fact that it doesn't bleed all over the other food in your plate.
    Lovely pic, Meeta

  16. LOL... I have many people like that in my office and dealing with them is my daily business!!!
    loved this recipe meeta. i love beets and its vibrant colour and usually cook simple stir fry twice in a month. this time its gonna be beet fries :)

  17. Somehow, I don't think I've ever had beetroot before. This certainly sounds like something worth trying and looks great, as always

  18. Barbie was afraid to break a nail..
    I love beets. I just made a beetroot salad that my dad used to make but have not got around to post it yet. It looks lovely Meeta!

  19. interesting recipe Meeta- will try tomorrow.

    i have had my share of barbies as well.. I have my own german bureaucracy stories.I worked in a similar setup and have lost half my hair just listening to someone say at 12:00, "I am going home now. Its too warm, for to work." (not to shop) and i know exactly how u feel. calling the person on the mobile at that moment ...I have to save that somewhere. :- )
    have a nice weekend!!!

  20. quick rejoinder before i hurt any of your readers' sentiments- this could have really happened anywhere!! :- )

  21. I have been roasting them whole and then peeling and serving but I can't wait to try it your way. The dip sounds awesome!!!

  22. I'm a huge beet fan, as is my husband. I love to roast them with a kind of orange glaze. Meeta, your photos are mouthwatering!

  23. Thank you all! I am really glad you are liking my story and the beetroot. For those who have not quite tried it in this way it's not only an easy way to cook a messy veg like the beetroot, but baking it in the oven releases it's wonderful sweet flavors.

    Deborah - you made me smile with that comment. It's part of my aim! Thanks!

  24. You ran errands in hurricane-like conditions? You're at trooper, Meeta. ;) That is such a lovely photo. You make unattractive beetroot look positively pretty!

  25. Meeta, those are gorgeous! I adore roasted beets, but I haven't tried roasting the them quartered like this. I can't wait to try it!

  26. I know some people loathe beets bu that is not me. These look like a great alternative to the innocuous veggie sticks as an appetizer. Thanks for the inspiration!

  27. That would be a dish for me alone as I can't get him to eat beets and I have tried every way known to men. I don't mind eating his share though :)

  28. I'm a huge beetroot fan. Your pictures are gorgeous!

  29. Oh my God, what gorgeous photos! Thanks so much - a visual pleasure.

    I just started a blog myself, with lots of Bengali, Indian and other recipes.

  30. This looks so very delicious. I have posted a raw beetroot salad, and will link to your post, if you don't mind. Your array of information about beets is wonderful.


Thank you for visiting What's For Lunch, Honey? and taking time to browse through my recipes, listen to my ramblings and enjoy my photographs. I appreciate all your comments, feedback and input. I will answer your questions to my best knowledge and respond to your comments as soon as possible.

In the meantime I hope you enjoy your stay here and that I was able to make this an experience for your senses.
