Orange Sunshine

Orange on white (01) by MeetaK

A bit of sunshine to brighten your gray days. You there? Yes you - feeling blue? Well look here what I brought you. Some orange sunshine. Now that's better - there is always some orange sunshine deep down inside, you just need to let it out. And should you be finding it hard - well I hope this helps you a bit!

We all have those days don't we? Those days when even though the sun is shining in a perfect blue sky, a gray veil covers your mood. It could be the morning blues, the annoying colleague, that time of month (ladies PMS sucks!) or a bad turn in your kismet. Whatever it is and whenever it comes around, I for one am thankful to have someone to shower me with orange sunshine.

Allow me to be that someone for you today!

This is my entry to Click "Citrus", an monthly photography event created by my favorite pair in blogosphere Jugalbandi. For a change I am not judging ;-).

Citrus fruits have a way of lending everything a wonderful puckery and happy flavor. I love them in every way!

You'll find everything you need to know about lemons, limes and oranges right here on WFLH. Of course with more citrus photos to brighten your day ;-)


  • Camera: Nikon D70s
  • Lens: Nikkor 18-70mm
  • Tripod: Bilora 1211
  • Focal Length: 40 mm
  • Exposure Time: 1/320s
  • Aperture: f/8
  • Lighting: Lowel EGO

I used Photoshop Professional 7 to turn up the effects for this photo. I wanted to exaggerate certain aspects to give that sunshine "glow". I corrected the tone levels and curves to pump up the orange tones. Then I adjusted the contrast and brightness, once again exaggerating the levels slightly more than I would normally do. Then I used a big brush with low opacity to fill in areas that I wanted to give more light to.

I am still taking a short break from recipes this week. But I hope you join me on the weekend for a lovely French chocolate pastry!

Tangy citrus recipes you are sure to enjoy:

Lime Bars 02 framed Lime Bars
Orange Cake 03 framed Orange Cake
LimeCremeBrulee 02 framed Lime Brulée
GingerLemonIceCream01 Ginger Lemon Ice Cream

All photographs and written content on What's For Lunch, Honey? © 2006-2008 Meeta Khurana unless otherwise indicated. | All rights reserved | Please Ask First

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  1. I have a large window in the kitchen facing sun. And on sunny days the light is fantastic, I just have to adjust the brightness a little. But I can't take decent photos at night. I wish I had those EGO lights :)

  2. you're clicking september. i'm sure everyone else is heaving a sigh of relief. :D

  3. Lovely kick! You seem to be an expert n Photoshop too! Truly wonderful!

  4. marija, i normally only do very little in photoshop on my pictures. for this one however i did play around a little bit to pump up the aspects of the shot.

    bee - ;-D. i know - however there are several awesome photographers around.

    nags, thank you!

    nirmala - i wish i was an expert at ps. i hardly ever use the 100s of functions and therefore feel like a dummy when someone tells me you can use this function in ps. I am like huh?. but for this shot i was playing around trying out a few of them and thought it would make a good entry! glad you liked it!

  5. great click! dear meeta u have a surprise in my blog

  6. Love your photo!

    Paz (craving an orange, now)

  7. Meeta, the photo is beautiful as always, I must say!

  8. Beautiful as always, Meeta.
    I'm definitely waiting for the chocolate post.:)

  9. Absolute sunshine...pretty all the way Meeta!!
    BTW, thanks for hosting a ROCKING challenge!!

  10. That's a beautiful photo and I love the white space you allowed around it. I'm always tempted to zoom way the hell in, but then I'll find the oddly framed, more distant shot to actually be my favorite when I review everything I snapped earlier.


Thank you for visiting What's For Lunch, Honey? and taking time to browse through my recipes, listen to my ramblings and enjoy my photographs. I appreciate all your comments, feedback and input. I will answer your questions to my best knowledge and respond to your comments as soon as possible.

In the meantime I hope you enjoy your stay here and that I was able to make this an experience for your senses.
