Step into Hotel Chocolat | Happy Diwali | Giftaway

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“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you might get!”
These words by Tom Hanks’ character Forrest Gump branded my brain intensely. It made me sit up and look deeper into my life. 
You see I am the kind of girl who likes to know what she’s getting. In terms of chocolate boxes – it would be, me reading through the selection of what is in each truffle, praline and chocolate before trying it out.

Where is my adventurous spirit you ask? Oh I have a very adventurous spirit. But I am also a die hard foodie. I get enormous pleasure of first reading about the fine ingredients in a chocolate to whet my appetite then taking a first bite to see if what was promised is in actual fact delivered.
So for me, while life certainly is like a box of chocolates – I just like knowing what I am getting.

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When I got an email from Anurag at Hotel Chocolat asking me if I would like a selection of their fine chocolates, I thought “Well who says no to that question?”

Anurag asked me to take my pick from their extensive chocolate line and trust me it was letting a chocolate addict loose in a candy store – I mean, literally! They have chocolates for all kinds of occasions and this was becoming more difficult than I expected.

In the end I asked myself “What kind of chocolate girl am I?” Milk, dark or white? The answer was easy! I am a dark chocolate kind of girl and was delighted to see that Hotel Chocolat actually cater to my panache for dark chocolates with their stunning Signature Dark Chocolate Collection

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Dark Liquid Caramel, Gianduja Bombe, 5-second Chilli, Single Malt Smoothie, 65% Dark Intense Praline, Pistachio-Pistachio are just some of the ultimate chocolate varieties this selection offers.

With my feet up on the sofa I discovered each silky smooth praline – a dash of chilli, a mellow melt-away caramel, a smoky note of single malt whisky, a nutty pistachio or a praline filled cup topped with honey and almond florentine.

Well this was certainly something I needed to share and quickly wrote to Anurag asking him if he would be so kind to provide another box of the exquisite dark chocolate selection.
No! Not for me! For you!

As I, along with several Indians around the globe, are celebrating Diwali today I thought I would treat you to a special event. Hotel Chocolat has been kind enough to supply one lucky What’s For Lunch, Honey? reader with a box of the sensational Signature Dark Chocolate Selection I had.

Maybe as a Christmas present for someone special?

Want another peak?

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Hotel Chocolat will directly send a box of Signature Dark Chocolate Selection to one lucky winner here in Europe. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post and/or tweet about what type of chocolate rocks your world (be sure to use #hotelchocolat and @MeetaWFLH in your tweet so I can find you) by November 12, 12am CET. If you do both – you have two chances of winning the box. The winner will be randomly selected.

Want another peak?

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[The box of chocolates was purchased for this giveaway]

Happy Diwali

Wishing all my gorgeous and lovely fellow Indian friends and family a fantastic Diwali! Light up your lives!

All photographs and written content on What's For Lunch, Honey? © 2006-2010 Meeta Khurana Wolff unless otherwise indicated. | All rights reserved | Please Ask First
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  1. Hi Meeta
    The hotel Chocolate gift looks great! Dark chocolates are my thing :) Choco-Chilli, caramell, and orange flavoured dark chocolates rock my world!

  2. I don't think I could live without chocolate. That last photograph is such a tease.
    Happy Diwali, Meeta!

  3. Happy Diwali to you too, Meeta!
    I have a giveaway for Hotel Chocolat too, some wonderful prizes, it's good to share the chocolate love.
    What are you cooking for Diwali this weekend?

  4. This looks so delicious! When I was younger I never really was into chocolate that much but that changed rapidly some years ago. I absolutely love dark chocolate with nutty flavors. Call me in! :)

  5. I LOVE the pics! Shades of that wonderful magazine I lent you - really gorgeous :) And obviously i am a dark chocolate kinda girl too :o)

    A happy Diwali to you too, my darling sister-from-another-mother!

  6. Just another reason I need to move to Europe :)

  7. Wow! Even the box looks gorgeous! When I was a child I used to think of dark chocolate as being bitter. But now I appreciate good dark chocolate just pure or combined with praline or coffee ganache or... well almost any combination apart from orange zest.

  8. Wow!hotel chocolat!nothing is more sinful than these!I love dark chocolates n adore them with nuts! yum! n ur pictures say it all...

  9. These look delicious!!
    What a great giveaway.
    Happy Diwali
    Phebe x

  10. Ahhhh, I do love me some Hotel Chocolat! That's a scrumptious box, but I think I'm a milk chocolate girl myself :)

  11. The choclats look delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I am not in Europe. Boo hoo!
    Happy Diwali Meeta!

  12. any kind of nut chocolate! and i prefer milk-chocolate to any other kind!

  13. Those are lovely chocolates! I'd love to be the lucky winner.



  14. Oh they look fantastic! Seriously, who says no to "Would you like me to send you a box of awesome chocolates?"?!

    I love pralines, so if I don't win I might have to go and buy some anyway to try the 65% Dark Intense Praline... yum!

  15. Beautiful chocolates!!! My favorite are dark chocolate combined with fruit, like cherries or raspberries. Wonderful giveaway!

  16. it feels like a dark chocolate festival with your box of chocolate. i love dark chocolate it has the bitter sweet taste. just like life, it's a bitter sweet fantasy.

  17. Oh, Meeta, I think this is the first time you're doing a giveaway since I'm reading you and you cannot choose better then chocolate! they're really wonderful (maybe is beacuse of your photos and not the chocolate itself? ;). And this is the occasion to tell you that even I don't comment on your blog, I'm reading (almost) all your posts and I love your photo work. I like also your recipes and I have baked and cooked a few of them, they're delicious! And if I win the box, it'll be my christmas present, for sure.

  18. I've forgotten - what chocolate I do like - dark chocolate with fruit or nut essences, like orange, mint, hazelnut, almonds!

  19. Dark chocolate with caramel and sea salt is my all-time favorite combintaion.

  20. Hands down ..this is my kinda chocolate..dark and nutty..
    5 sec Chilli sounds too good to believe.
    Happy Diwali to you and your family Meeta!

  21. I know someone who would love to get this for Hanukkah!

  22. ... and sometimes you are the creator of your own pralines and you can create the filling by yourself. but not this time... ;-) the signature dark selection sounds great.

  23. So delicious! I am a dark chocolate gal, in terms of flavorings I like cardamom or orange.

  24. I used to think my mum was crazy for liking bitter dark chocolate - now I love the stuff! You can really taste the mix and depth of flavours of the cacao rather than it just be sweet like milk chocolate is. Unfortunately I'll be alone for Diwali this year :( due to work but it's only one festival of many and anyway, I'm sure my sister will bring some sweets home for me :)

  25. Wow, these pictures have awoken my chocolaty primal side!

  26. yummy i love everything chocolate...a girl loves her choc on a good day or bad!! you cant go wrong

    Happy Diwali Meeta
    May you life be filled with sweet nothings.

  27. They look beautiful. Dark chocolate is so good. I can't even eat milk chocolate now I have switched over to the dark side. I really enjoy your blog. Happy Diwali.

  28. Hey! Happy Diwali!

    I love your blog and this chocolate looks fabulous! I would be so excited to try all of those delicious flavors.

    All the best,


  29. Happy Diwali Meeta. These chocolates look heavenly!

  30. Beautiful photography! I love the contrast between the rough table and smooth chocolate.

    I'm definitely a dark chocolate girl as well. Happy Diwali!

  31. OMG have I died and gone to Chocolate heaven! I've checked out their website and that is my chocolate dream store. So much to choose from, what a delight. I'm also a dark chocolate gal too. It's so great that they sent you a box and that they are doing a Giftaway for Europeans, as most are typically held in the US. Your photography is just breathtaking, so talented! Thanks for the opportunity and for introducing us to Chocolate Heaven.

  32. Yum! that looks delicious and would be most welcome to find a place in my fridge (or belly)

  33. the hotel chocolate looks tempting! I go gaga with chocolates. . drool!

  34. hmm; too bad i wont qualify, I would love to eat yet another sampling of chocolates! Just finished my favorite bar: Linst Chili~
    Happy Dewali back!

  35. Oh sad.. we LOVE dark chocolate way over here in New Zealand too!

    Happy Diwali Meeta hunny... lots of light and hugs!

  36. I live outside of Europe so I'm out of the running. In fact it's funny that I have bought boxes and boxes of Hotel Chocolat chocolates but rarely tasted one. As an expat, it's great to order online and add your message and receive effusive thanks when these presents are delivered. I have it on good authority that they are fabulous. Extra dark is my favourite so this box looks like it's designed for me...especially with the Union Jack! I shall have to taste them vicariously and your description certainly helps!

  37. Oh, I am already drooling!lol I would love some chocolate! Thank you! :)

  38. wow,look delicious
    I would love to have a box of dark choclates........

  39. I love dark chocolate! Plain dark chocolate, or with some flavour (orange, for example). Another winner is dark chocolate gianduja... to die for!

    I hope I win!

  40. Wicked Meeta, you are wicked to tempt the non-Europeans one so. I WANT the dark signature collection, pretty please! My senses are now 'experienced' dahlin'; may I now have the real deal please? Happy Diwali my lovely...xoxo

  41. Yum! I am totally a dark chocolate girl! Happy Diwali!

  42. yummyy!!! :)))) Chocolate is just another thing that makes life worth living:)))

  43. Happy Diwali, Meeta! Chili and chocolate is almost as good as cumin flavored chocolate. Hotel Chocolate may be the most ingenious pairing of all!

  44. Looks heavenly! Dark Chocolate rocks my world and my friend's world. She lives in Weimar, Germany so I would like to send these little babies to her IF I win!

    (because I live in Dubai and my friend needs it more than I do, she's been down lately)

  45. Just dropped by to wish Happy Diwali Meeta, but this is what I get. A gorgeous looking box of chocolates which I know I can't get my hands on. Time to head to the best place here. But I guess I can send it over to my best friend in UK ? that would make her happy and me envious.

  46. Happy Diwali, Meeta. Hope you had a great one!

    Thanks for sharing the sweet pics and quote from Forrest Gump :D

  47. was this a product plug?

  48. Dear Meeta,
    I have a sofa, I have no problems going through a whole box of chocolate all by myself in front of a warm fireplace with soft music playing in the background while dear husband is out with the kids (and no chance of them returning within the hour). I would love to have a box of these gorgeous chocolates. Dark chocolate please, I promise I would save the whiskey one for my husband, maybe.
    Happy Diwali to you too.
    Greetings from the centre of Germany

  49. Dark chocolate with nuts & raisins for me :)!!!

  50. Happy Diwali Meeta... hope i win those lovely chocs!!!

  51. Greetings Meeta! I'm out of the running as well (insert pouty lips here) but if I WERE in the running, dark chocolate w/caramel or nuts or both! My Professor would swoon over these chocolates as well - actually, he is the one to persuade me that I liked dark chocolate when at first I didn't. Happy Diwali Meeta - am quite happy I've found you thru our dear friend Jamie!

  52. Its definitely Dark chocolate for me and if its more than 70 percent cocoa..even better :)

  53. oh boy..dark chocolate is so my thing!Looking at this and taking a bite of my Lindt dark choc with sea salt...Happy Diwali Meeta..

  54. Whyohwhy am I not in Europe? Because that spicy chili chocolate is sounding mighty fine to me...

  55. Dark Chocolate! Hotel Chocolat! This looks so delicious! Luckily I have a stash of Valrhona to satisfy the hunger pangs..

  56. Hi Meeta, you are such a tease :P Not eligible for the giveaway but just wanted to wish you a happy (and very belated) Diwali!

  57. Your photography is so beautiful and such an inspiration!

  58. Mine favourite is plain old dark chocolate (with nothing added to it)

  59. I'm in the States, but I'd love to win a box for a friend in London who introduced me to Hotel Chocolat on my last visit. The chocolates I brought home went super fast, but I'm still savoring the orange hot chocolate mix now that the chilly weather set in.

  60. Happy Diwali! Those chocolates look divine!

  61. I am a dark chocolate lover, but I seem to quite enjoy more and more milk chocolate of late as well...I think it has something to do with the improving quality of chocolate all around :)
    And yes oh yes to the prospect of having a box of the signature dark.Living in Europe with the cold wet weather, not knowing the language had me feeling a little blue ...but the sight of the blue box, and the idea of being eligible to win one of these cheers me considerably :)

  62. Dark chocolat with caramel or raspberry filling is me :)

  63. while im a die hard chocolate addict, and would love to win this I would love to give this as a gift to my Mom if i do win it... (simply because i promised my husband I wont another chocolate and because i'm bursting out of my clothes ;) )

  64. Wow, Happy Diwali to you to

  65. Thank you everyone for all your comments. I had a great time reading your chocolate passions. The giveaway is now closed and I hope to announce the lucky winner Next week.

  66. Chocolate, chocolate my best. This post is awesome

  67. As someone who reviews chocolate on my blog and eats teh wonderful stuff every day.... what a tricky question!! I think I'll have to say that dark chocolate with cocoa nibs rocks my world, as does Amadei's Chuao, and Askinosie's goat's milk white chocolate with salted pistachios...

    I think I just love all chocolate :)

  68. The post was great. You have great writng skills:)

  69. I, along with several Indians around the globe, are celebrating Diwali today I thought I would treat you to a special event.


Thank you for visiting What's For Lunch, Honey? and taking time to browse through my recipes, listen to my ramblings and enjoy my photographs. I appreciate all your comments, feedback and input. I will answer your questions to my best knowledge and respond to your comments as soon as possible.

In the meantime I hope you enjoy your stay here and that I was able to make this an experience for your senses.
