Chocolate Treacle Sheet Cake


Chocolate Treacle Sheet Cake (0035) by Meeta K. Wolff 

When it comes to food I’ve always believed that the word “diet” just does not belong in the same category. It sticks out like a sore thumb! I dislike seeing the word “diet”, “light” or “meal replacement” labeled on anything at the supermarket and take a big detour around these products. I love my butter, my bacon, my pasta and bring on the chocolate!

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Smoked Cheddar Cheese and Asparagus Quiche


Smoked Cheddar and Asparagus Quiche (0035) by Meeta K. Wolff 
She was always very meticulous and precise in the kitchen, never a hint of chaos or hectic surrounding her. The perfect hostess at the several dinner parties held at the apartment overlooking the bay. Depending on the time of the day the sea shimmered all shades of blue and green. I would often watch her looking out of the large windows far into the horizon. In the kitchen she always looked so peaceful and in her element.

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Tropical Fruit, Nut and Spelt Granola

Tropical Fruit and Nut Granola (0365) by Meeta K. Wolff

Experts have told us over and over again that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and one should never skip it. The ancient proverb “Breakfast like a King, lunch like a Prince and dine like a pauper” has more than a grain of truth in it.

I grew up in an Indian family traveling around the world. Living outside of India as kids a lot of our food habits were often influenced by the cuisine of the the country we were currently living in.  What I distinctly remember however was, contrary to the proverb, we would dine in true royal Indian manner! 

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Plate to Page Somerset: The Best of Britain


Plate2PageUK-0005 by Meeta K. Wolff

Does it ever become a routine when one does something often enough?

In some cases it might, yes, becoming a chore, perhaps. There are some things, however that no matter how often you repeat them, they still preserve the initial charm of the first time. And From Plate to Page certainly falls in the latter category.

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