7/11 - A Sad Day for Indians

My thoughts go out to all my fellow Indians. This is a sad time for India and many Indians around the world.

The blasts that rocked Bombay yesterday were senseless and inhuman.

My deepest and most humble condolences to those affected by this attack.

At Mumbai Help you can get information and assistance for those who require more information and for those who are close enough to give a helping hand.
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  1. A very sad day indeed.

    My thoughts are with all of those whose lives have been touched by this tragic event.

  2. My condolences.

    Only this morning I was thinking if I could just make one wish, I would ask for peace every where in the world. All this useless killing of innocent people.

  3. Thank you for your comments and support.
    Isis, yes if only it were so easy!


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