Monthly Mingle 29: Healthy Family Meals

MM healthy family dinners 

January is here and everyone is thinking about improving their eating habits. After the Holidays we're looking to for healthy, nutritious meals spent with our family. The Monthly Mingle this month is exactly about this.

My guest hostess this month is the brilliant Michelle of What's Cooking Blog, a blog dedicated to "cooking with kids for a better body, planet and community". Michelle and I wanted to get everyone to the healthy way of life. Come and share your Healthy Family Dinners with us.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Create a dish that fits the theme of Healthy Family Dinners
  2. Post about it on your blog between now and February 9 (entries must be in English, please).
  3. Your creation must exclusively be prepared for the current Monthly Mingle theme and cannot be submitted to any other blog event.
  4. You must provide a link to this post and to the main Monthly Mingle page and send the details to me (see below)
  5. Feel free to use the Monthly Mingle image from this post.

Once you’ve posted your dish, send an email with “Monthly Mingle: Healthy Family Dinners” in the subject line to: Michelle (at) whatscooking (dot) info

  • your name
  • your location
  • the name of your blog and its URL
  • the name of your dish and a link to the relevant post
  • a copy of your best photo of your dish, 200px wide (and compressed so that it is below 1MB!)

The roundup will be posted by the weekend of February 15th.

We want to be a part of a typical dinnertime meal at your home so please let us in ;-). We're looking forward to your entries!

Never miss a mingle: check out the Monthly Mingle Calendar!

If you're interested in hosting a mingle over at your place then just drop me an email:
blogmeeta [AT] gmail [DOT] com. We're booked right through 2009 and the earliest free date is from March 2010!

All photographs and written content on What's For Lunch, Honey? © 2006-2009 Meeta Khurana unless otherwise indicated. | All rights reserved | Please Ask First

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  1. Hmm..!! Great concept. I will try my best to get one for this event! :))

  2. oh yes... i think eating better tops the resolution list for most ppl i know. so nice idea there.

  3. Why do you want exclusivity?

  4. Thanks everyone for your comments!

    ANON - Simply because I noticed there were some people sending the one entry to 5-6 events! Normally I never minded if the dish went to 1-2 events, However, it started to get a bit silly when the same dish popped up at several different events.
    These events are fun, but at the same time something to make you think out of the box and challenge yourself.

  5. Aahhh, I think we can all do a bit of system cleansing and eat a bit more healthy after the holidays. I'll give it a go!!

  6. Given the extra pounds I've put on since Thanksgiving, Christmas, and everyday in between, this event sounds like a good idea for me. ;-)

  7. Love how practical this event is; I'm always trying to cook healthy dinners for tots who prefer fast food. Ours is a challenge that can be fun too. Thanks.

  8. Glad you are liking this theme! I think this will be a very valuable collection of submissions for sure. The few that we've already gotten certainly were fantastic!

  9. Good idea girl! I have mine ready... hopefully, tomorrow will send it over to you :D

    Have a great day!

  10. I'll send a Healthy family favorite your way soon:)

  11. This is also helpful is you want to try out new recipes for a party or simple get-together with friends and family. This goes to show that yo uare willing to try out new things and choose a healthier lifestyle

  12. Great blog event you organized here. Hope to see more of these kind of themes from you. Thanks.


Thank you for visiting What's For Lunch, Honey? and taking time to browse through my recipes, listen to my ramblings and enjoy my photographs. I appreciate all your comments, feedback and input. I will answer your questions to my best knowledge and respond to your comments as soon as possible.

In the meantime I hope you enjoy your stay here and that I was able to make this an experience for your senses.
